Footpath, Kerb & Gutter Construction
NSW Building and Civil is a construction company based in Sydney, Australia that specializes in footpath, kerb, and gutter construction. They offer services for construction and civil engineering projects, and are known for their quality work and commitment to excellence. The features and benefits of footpath, kerb, and gutter construction by NSW Building and Civil […]

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Road Construction

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Asphalt Schools & Playgrounds

Transforming School Facilities, Playgrounds and Basketball courts with Professional Asphalt Resurfacing Services At NSW Building & Civil, we are dedicated to enhancing the safety and functionality of educational institutions and recreational spaces. We are pleased to introduce our professional asphalt resurfacing services, specifically tailored to revitalize schools, playgrounds, and basketball courts. Our expertise and commitment […]
Storm Water Drainage

Storm water drainage systems Drainage pits Box culverts Subsurface drainage Pipe culverts Headwalls Drainage chambers In order to discharge surplus water flow effectively and prevent floods or runoff into nearby properties, water needs to be correctly channelled into the local drainage system. Additionally, it could be necessary to temporarily store extra water to avoid overtaxing […]

Paving Repairs and restorations New pedestrian and vehicle paths Sealing precast pavers Match existing patterns Various brick styles NSW Building and Civil is a construction company based in Sydney that offers paving services for both residential and commercial properties. Our paving services include: Asphalt driveways Carparks Footpaths Roads Patios Pool surrounds Features: High-quality materials and […]
Asphalt Driveways & Carparks

Asphalt driveways and carparks made by NSW Building and Civil are outdoor areas designed for vehicles to park and drive on. Features: Durable and long-lasting surface made of asphalt material Slip-resistant and skid-resistant surface Ability to withstand heavy traffic and usage Flexibility in design and customization Proper drainage to prevent water damage Benefits: Improved safety […]
Asphalt Roads Services

NSW Building & Civil is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all NSW residents by offering our services to all NSW local governments as well as private sector. As part of our commitment to providing safe and reliable infrastructure, we are excited to introduce our professional asphalt road services. Our comprehensive range of […]